About Us

Our committee was originally established to help promote collaboration among agencies serving the mental health needs of children aged 0-5 years.

Our Goals are to Enhance School Readiness by…

  • Contributing to the creation of a mental health system in our community that promotes healthy early social and emotional development of all children
  • Helping assure that everyone – community members, parents, professionals, agencies, and elected representatives — all recognize, value, and stand together to actively support earlyrelationships as the driving factor in promoting healthy and positive development in young children
  • Supporting the application of “best practices” known in our field and creatively adapting and implementing promising new practices that support infant, toddler and family development
  • Advocating for policies, practices and programs and issues central to enhancing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
  • Informing our community about existing knowledge and about new educational opportunities and events available to help strengthen understanding of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
  • Collaborating to help build system capacity throughnetworking and professional training

The Committee’s mission and goals are guided by Florida’s Strategic Plan for Infant Mental Health, and supported by the Florida Association of Infant Mental Health. The Strategic Plan can be downloaded by clicking here: http://faimh.org/2008IMHPlan.pdf